Tuesday 22 November 2011

Problem with our song choice.

When first picking songs, we chose to do Lily Allen's cover of Everybody's Changing by Keane. We really  loved the song and were extremely happy that we had found it as it was not well known and only had about 300 views on Youtube. Although we knew that Lily Allen was a very popular artist we thought that it would be ok to use this song, as it was a cover and not well know. Therefore, we started to plan out our ideas for the song and were really excited with our plans.
Unfortunately, the exam boards published a notice saying that popular music artists were not allowed, and our teacher warned us that Lily Allen would be included in this. This was devastating as we had already started to plan and really liked our song choice. However, we have accepted the news and are now looking for new songs that are not as popular as we realise that people recognise Lily Allen's voice, and so if we did use her people would already have an image of the star in their heads when watching the video. We are now excited to create our own star with their own star image.

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